50 Copies Sold

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Did you know that most self-published authors never sell more than 100 copies of their book? I think this statistic is out there to scare authors away from self-publishing their book. But to Mark and I, we’ve always seen it as a challenge and a way to break out of the norm for self-published authors.

With that being said, we are so excited to have officially hit 50 sales on Amazon over the last month and a half! Technically, we also have a handful of sales on Barnes & Noble, but most of our sales come from our Amazon page. And while we haven’t quite made it to 100 yet, we are grateful for all the support we’ve received and that in just over a month, we’ve made it halfway there.

If you haven’t had the chance to purchase the book yet, we invite you to visit our Buy Book page. Here, you’ll find the various options for purchasing “The Respian Man.” To learn more about the book, head over to the About page. And if you are in the middle of reading the book, don’t forget to check out the Glossary page for additional details about places, peoples, and events as well as the Maps and Illustrations page for large format maps.
-Mark & Sarah

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