
Discover more about the world of Oswella

Explore the people, places, culture, and items of Oswella


Learn more about the characters from “The Respian Man.”

Preston Maki

The main protagonist of the story. Preston is 22 years old and from the town of Pittsford, NY, not far from Rochester.

He was diagnosed with an aggressive form of Multiple Sclerosis at 12 years old. His father, Tahvo, walked out on Laura, his mother, shortly after.

Tabrae (Tabby) Gamleon

One of the protagonists of the story. Hishra and Gossin, the proprietors of a tavern in Grashansa of Northphaloria, gave her a place to live and work after she moved there from the island of Mehj’a in search of a new life.

Tabby is a devout follower of the Rahvan faith. Although she works at the tavern, her desire is to become a professional tournament fighter.

Salvatore Coresetti

The mysterious antagonist of the story. He always carries a silver pocket watch and a rapier with him wherever he goes. He also brandishes a buckler shield when going into combat.

Beauregard Frossa

A scientist and Chairman of the Terriguard Order of the Isolated Isles, a covert organization within the greater Terriguard Order headquartered in Respia.

Beauregard has two prized possessions, a parrot named Nigel and a book written by Albert Einstein. His closest friend is Julian Chonskonian. His second in command is Perreg, his record keeper.

Julian Chonskonian

Director of the Esperian Trade Fleet and member of the Terriguard order.

He lives in Rudendacore, in the country of Esper. He is Beauregard Frossa’s closest friend. His incredibly dark skin is a sign of nobility in the country of Esper.


Member of the Terriguard order. He is their records keeper and is one of Beauregard’s most trusted advisors.

Elinquia Merwar

Also referred to by Preston as Linqui, Elinquia is a shop keeper of the Merware rope shop in Elweunevo.

When Preston was transported into the world of Oswella, he saw an image of Elinquia in the blue images as they floated past him. In the image, she was wearing a nightgown and unique 3-gem earrings dangling from each ear.

Damiella of House Damiapaigne

Baroness of Elweunevo. She is Prince Kassor’s niece and married to Jeorlay the Baron.

Together, they manage a large olive grove, oil presses, and a gypsum kilning facility north of town.

Jeorlay of House Damiapaigne

Barron of Elweunevo, he is married to Damiella, Prince Kassor’s niece.

He resides at Laiviano Manor, a large estate mansion in Elweunevo, but spends most of his time at the kiln dockyard he owns.

Ted and Millie

Salvatore’s subordinates. Ted and Millie work together as a pair; they have a long and complex history.


One of Salvatore’s colleagues. Delivered the Golden Calling to Salvatore.

Laura Maki

The mother of Preston Maki. Laura is a nurse and a single mother.

Tahvo Maki

The father of Preston Maki. Tahvo walked out on Laura, Preston’s mother, when Preston was just 12 years old, just a few months after Preston was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis.

Preston and Laura never saw or heard from Tahvo ever again.


Preston’s red-headed friend with Down’s Syndrome. Their favorite hangout spot is the coffee shop where James’s sister, Allison, works.

Bairor the Senior

The proprietor of Shipmans Bakery House, along with his wife.

Their small bakery is one of the finest in the city and well known by everyone in town. They have a young son together, Bairor the Younger, also referred to as Bairor the Second.

Bairor the Younger

A young mute boy, just 8 years old, who works at his parent’s bakery, Shipman’s Bakery House.

Periodically, he’ll run deliveries for his parents when they are too busy to do them themselves.


Tavern keeper in Groshansa, capital of Northphaloria. She employs Tabrae (Tabby) and gives her housing.

Gossin and Hishra are very superstitious people. They wear charmed bracelets and display all of the idols of the Rahvan gods behind their counter.


Tavern keeper in Groshansa, capital of Northphaloria. He and his wife Hishra provide Tabby with housing in exchange for her help managing the tavern.

Gossin and Hishra are very superstitious people. They wear charmed bracelets and display all of the idols of the Rahvan gods behind their counter.

Lashan Tatherns

Archpriest of the Rahvan Temple of Northphaloria.

Viscount of Baycourt

A famous tactician fighting on the side of Mirrenth and Oxragon.

He wears red and black armor. During Oxragon’s invasion of Sillopentia, he was appointed as Prince Michnae’s military advisor.

Prince Kassor Shevorpaigne

Prince of Chavayle, a large fortress city in southern Engoth, between the two Forthe rivers. Prince Kassor is the wealthiest and arguably the most powerful prince within the Engothian Princedoms.

He currently leads the Engothian volunteer forces in Sillopentia, and is appointed commander of Engothian forces in the event that war breaks out with Oxragon or Mirrenth.

Prince Nercio Seulliave

Ruler of the Elweunevo principality. Prince Nercio is an old friend of Prince Kassor’s and is known to be an excellent cavalry commander.


Master apothecary in the service of the Engothian army, under the command of Prince Kassor, his old friend.


Count of Benwava, Kassor’s second in command. Serves as a military officer for the country of Engoth.


A turban-wearing sturgeon guardsman in the service of Prince Kassor.

He and his brother, both sturgeon guardsmen, are Majeveres, an ethnic group of the people from the Isles of Qualete. Along with his brother, Jevegor is very religious, a devout follower of the Renewed Faith.


Captain of the sturgeon-guard and Prince Kassor’s personal bodyguard


One of Prince Kassor’s squires, known for his thin mustache and well-groomed hair.


Haimmier’s great-grand-nephew, in the service of Kassor’s army.

He was a squire but was temporarily stripped of that title due to his recent “roosterish attitude.”

Callum Edenhurst

The founder of the Renewed Faith Religion.

Rumor has it that he appeared out of thin air in front of a group of preists at a shrine, in the area of the modern day Garlagoya, a country on the subcontinent of Chonskonia. He spoke an unknown language, which eventually became known as Callum’s tongue. The language was thought to be the language of the gods, and thus eventually was adopted by all the nations in the world. He amassed a great following and accidentally played a key role in the founding of the radical Macennine faith. In the modern day, the Renewed Faith followers see him as the greatest prophet that has lived on Oswella.


Infamous pirate captain of the Olantu Hunting, a very fast frigate ship. He speaks with an Old English accent. His loyalties are to the Jemnese Navy, also known as the Exiled Navy.

Old Degry

An apothecary in the town of Elweunevo specializing in the treatment of persons with mental ailments.


A blacksmith apprentice working in Baroness Damiella’s blacksmith shops.

He appears to be advanced in years and has a slight Asiatic appearance while sporting a cold demeanor.


A kitchen boy working for Baronness Damiella at her manner in Elweunevo.


Leader of a gang of ne’er-do-wells working at the kiln docks, north of Elweunevo, likely in the service of Salvatore.


Explore the unique items from Oswella that play a pivotal role in Preston’s adventures in the Isolated Isles.


A gold coin that is the most valuable form of currency in Oswella. It is one of five coins used as money throughout the Isolated Isles. One scepter is worth eight percas (a very large silver coin), 32 silvers (small silver coin), 160 ambers (large bronze coin), and 7,040 coppers (small copper coin).

Each country’s government mints coins. The island country of Hexaphon, the banking capital of the Isolated Isles, independently verifies the content of the precious metal of coins from each mint. Any country found cheating in their minting process would be cut off from banking institutions and their coins blacklisted by international merchants. Note that a gold scepter is worth approximately two months- worth of wages to someone with a low-paying job, like a waitress.

Golden Calling

A mysterious religious book with an intricate, solid golden cover. This book contains the sacred texts of the radical Maicennine religion, which seems to spread to different regions of the world as these golden callings appear out of thin air to Rahvan priests.

These events quickly convert pockets of people to the Maicennine religion. The books are called golden callings, because they are said to appear to those who are called to lead others to the true faith, the mission of which should be their highest priority, also referred to as their golden priority.

Sturgeon Guard

Prince Kassor’s personal guardsman. They are equipped with a unique weapon called a sturgeon sword.


The God of Death. One of the fourteen Rahvan gods. Followers of the Rahvan religion believe that Delgorus takes souls from this world using his pale ox of death.

He takes the souls to Rahva where they proceed through the the circle of the eight great merchants. Per their deeds, the merchants weigh out the treasures and supplies that they are due, in accordance with the value bestowed upon them by Delgorus, before entering Rahva.


Dive into the religions, events, and cultures that shaped Oswella.


An ethnic group of people from the islands of Qualete, Framat, and the Sentorian region of Esper. The Majeveres are traditionally followers of the Attarian faith.

Within the Majevere culture, there are two factions: the Old Majeveres (Gold Majeveres), who reside on Qualete, and the Silver Majeveres, the more secular group, who live on the Island of Framat. The Majevere men are easily identified by their turbans, which are unique to the Majeveres in the Isolated Isles. The character Jevegor is a Majevere from the island of Qualete.

Night of the Bleeding Crown

One of the most nefarious events known to have occurred in the history of the Isolated Isles. The night of the Bleeding Crown refers to the night that the entire royal family of the Jemnese Queendom was assassinated, including all women with even a remote claim to the throne.

It occurred in the year of 101,428, and remains the single most infamous act to have occurred in the isles, to this day. No decedents with a claim to the throne are known to have survived, which allowed the Kingdom of Mirrenth to slowly sew chaos within the Queendom of Jemna before taking it over by force in the year 101,908.


A radical religion spreading throughout the world of Oswella. Followers of this religion are worshippers of Spirellinor O’Bidon, one of the fourteen gods of Rahva.

They believe that the other gods are no longer alive and that Spirellinor is the only living god. This religious group is very combative and aggressive. The religion seems to spread to different regions as mysterious golden books appear to Rahvan priets, converting pockets of people to the religion. To Maicennines, the golden books are referred to as Golden Callings.

Renewed Faith

The most prevalent religion on the world of Oswella, the full name of which is actually The Renewed Ancient Faith.

They believe in the old scriptures of the Ancient faith as well as in the teachings of their prophet Callum Edenhurst, who supplemented the scriptures of the Ancient Faith with his own teachings and revelations.

Ancient Faith

The oldest Religion in Oswella. Ancient Faithers believe in one God, the creator of the universe.

They tend to be very orthodox, revering piousness and wisdom. Although they disagree with the Renewed Faithers regarding Callum Edenhurst’s teachings, they do consider them their brothers in faith.


The second most prominent religion on the world of Oswella. The followers of the Rahvan faith believe in the divinity of fourteen gods, nine major gods and five minor gods.

The major gods include Parexor, Demiana, Jespin, Ellapae, Fertarious, Leviana, Solianar, Humnedae and Delgorus. The minor gods include Spirellinor, Illodersia, Torrim, Zojerro and Jenoressa. The word Rahva means “heavens” in the old tongue.


A perverse religion with a very small following. Its followers are located only in the Isolated Isles, particularly on the isles of Venitilla and Lavarrex.

Rosendellianism is centered on the worship of Goddess Rosendellia, the mother goddess. Due to the lewd nature of this religion, it is banned in most countries in the Isolated Isles, and considered a cult rather than a religion by many people.



A highly populated region of the world, far to the northeast. It is known for commerce, enlightenment, and science.


A peaceful country located on the southeastern tip of the Island of Renlor in the region of the Isolated Isles.

Besspandore recently sent a small army to assist their ally, Sillopentia, in resisting the invading army of Oxragonians.


A country located on the southwestern side of the island of Renlor, in the Isolated Isles. It was recently invaded by an army from the nation of Oxragon.


A country located in the center of the island of Renlor, the easternmost island of the Isolated Isles.

An army of Engothians, under the command of Prince Kassor Shevorpaigne, recently came to the aid of their ally, the Sillopentians, to help them defend their country from the invading forces of Oxragon.


An aggressive country located on the southwestern side of Renlor within the Isolated Isles.


One of the many islands within the Northphalorian Kingdom. It is located to the east of the Northphalorian mainland.

This island is where the character Tabrae (Tabby) is originally from before moving to the Northphalorian capital on the Burrevian Mainland

Serranic Sea

A narrow sea, likened unto a very wide river, which is the only waterway connecting the two oceans of the world, the Agrellic and Lorean Oceans.

This sea channel is the most efficient route to travel from the mainland continents to the Isolated Isles.


A sparsely populated country on the continent of Cavorria, along the coast of the Serranic Sea.

Due to its location, Simsarack, and more specifically Svetlorking Island off its coast, hosts ports of rest for travelers and traders coming to the Isolated Isles from the mainland continents. Svetlorking island has historically been a stronghold and safe haven for the Terriguard order, utilizing a local order of knights for protection.

The Isolated Isles

A group of three large islands in the center of the Lorean Ocean.

This region of the world was isolated from the major civilizations on the planet for thousands of years and, therefore, developed independently of the mainland peoples. The three islands making up this region are Esperland, Burrevia, and Renlor. Renlor is home to the countries of Sillopentia, Engoth, Besspandore, Oxragon, and Mirrenth, among others.


One of the four primary nations on the Island of Burrevia in the Isolated Isles, located on the southwestern side of the island.

Tensions have been growing between Bennsorania and its militaristic neighbor to the north, Northphaloria.


A distant country to the north, past the Lorean Ocean, outside the Isolated Islands, located on the mainland.

Experienced a dark period of perpetual warfare a few hundred years ago.


A landlocked country located within the Isolated Isles on the eastern island of Renlor.

The forces of Oxragon recently invaded the neighboring country of Sillopentia.


The last vestige of the first country founded in the Isolated Isles.

Hepton is the oldest nation in the isles, named after the ship that brought the first settlers to Renlor. The country is located on the northern side of the isle of Renlor, just north of Engoth.


A rich and militaristic nation on the Island of Burrevia, the southwestern island of the Isolated Isles.

It consists of many islands and a small part of the Burrevian mainland, where its capital, Groshansa, is located.


The cultural home island of the Golden Majeveres, a people with a rich culture formed by thousands of years by oppression by various aggressive neighboring nations.

The Golden Majeveres are the traditional Majeveres, who tend to keep religious and cultural norms of their forefathers. The nearby island of Framat, however, is the home of the silver Mageveres, a secular group of Magevers, less concerned with tradition and more with contemporary norms.


A wealthy Esperian city built into an oval-shaped mountain range on the western side of the isle of Esperland. Dwellings and places of business are carved throughout the steep slopes of the mountain walls.

The center of the range contains an exotic valley oasis of lush vegetation, with the city of Rudendacore Proper spread throughout. This city is home to the Terriguard order, containing their regional headquarters of the Isolated Isles, which are buried in the depths of the mountainous walls.


The main country on the island of Esperland.

Esper is a mountainous area, home to the famous Rundendacore, a wealthy city built into a mountain. Esper is inhabited by predominantly dark-skinned Oswellans, where darker skin is typically higher ranks of nobility.


The northwestern island of the three main Isolated Isles. It is home to two countries, Esper and Pellianland.


An island country between Renlor and Burrevia, known for its commerce, trade, and merchant banking industries.


One of the four primary nations on the island of Burrevia in the Isolated Isles, located on the Northern side of the island.

Rorra is a peaceful nation, but recently, tensions have been growing with Northphaloria, its militaristic neighbor to the west.


An island country south of the isle of Burrevia, in the Isolated Isles.

This southernmost country is home to the Exiled Navy, the last surviving vestige of the Jemnese nation in exile.


The westernmost island country of the Qualetion Archipelago, a series of island nations north of Northphaloria.

Although Northphaloria controls a few of the main islands, five independent island nations exist in the archipelago, including Venitila. Venitila is home to the Rosendellian religion, a perverse religion that is banished in almost all surrounding countries.


One of the two countries on Esperland, the northwestern island in the Isolated Isles.

Located on the eastern side of the island, Pellianland is known for its ancient ruins, museums, libraries, and historical archives.


A distant country to the far north, on the mainland. Lafay is located on the subcontinent of Chonskonia, west of Cavorria Minor.

Lafay is where the Rahvan religion is headquartered.


A large city in the country of Engoth, on the island of Renlor within the Isolated Isles.

It is located on the Bay of Chonnia, south of Elweunevo.


A red city, one of a handful of cities with a similar designation within the country of Hepton.

It is called a red city because the structures are built predominantly of vibrant red bricks. This city is located along the Bay of Chonnia, at the mouth of the Genvivan River.


A fortress city of Engoth, on the island of Renlor. It is located between the Forthe and Southern-Forthe rivers along the country’s southwestern border with Mirrenth.

The city is the principality of Prince Kassor Shevorpaigne, commander of the Engothian Army.

Butchers Fort

A populous city located in the forests of Sillopentia, a country on the southeastern tip of Renlor.


A term used to describe the old country of Jemna that once existed in the southwestern tip of Renlor.

This nation was ruled with a Matriarchical Monarchy, where only female heirs to the throne were considered legitimate heirs, hence the country was refered to as the Queendom of Jemna. The lands of Jemna have since been conquered and controlled by Mirrenth, a nation to the North. Vestiges of resistance against the Mirrenthians still exist throughout the Jemnese People, including underground organizations as well as the exiled fleet, also known as the Jemnese Navy.


A city near the tip of southwestern Renlor, within the borders of Mirrenth.

The city used to be the capital of the old Jemnese Queendom, an independent nation that ruled that region hundreds of years ago.


A small city along the Bay of Chonnia, within the country of Engoth, on the isle of Renlor.


The capital city of Pellianland, the Eastern country on the isle of Esperland.