
  • 50 Copies Sold

    50 Copies Sold

    We are celebrating reaching 50 sales on Amazon and are thankful for the support. We invite you to explore more about the book and find additional resources on our website. Read more

  • Now Available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble

    Now Available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble

    The Respian Man is now available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble in hardcover, paperback, matte paperback, and hardcover with dust jacket. Stay tuned for the eBook release for Kindle and Nook. Share your copy… Read more

  • Available for Pre-Order

    Available for Pre-Order

    “The Respian Man” is now available for pre-order at a discounted price of $23.99 (regular price is $26.99). Pre-ordering ensures you are amongst the first to receive the book when it launches on March 1st. Read more

Authors of The Respian Man, Mark and Sarah Kadoshnikov

Welcome to the Club!

Hi! I’m Sarah, and, this is my husband Mark, together we combined our passions for fantasy, world-building, history, chronic illness awareness, and faith into an incredible adventure in the Infinity Realm. As first-time authors, we are learning a lot about self-publishing a book.

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